Norfleet Baptist Church
Senior Pastor
Keith Sisney
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Acts (Current Series)
Introduction (Acts 1:1-3)
Jesus' Story Continues, Part 1 (Acts 1:1-11)
Jesus' Story Continues, Part 2 (Acts 1:1-11)
Unity in Prayer and Choosing Leaders (Acts 1:12-26)
The Holy Spirit Comes (Acts 2:1-13)
"Peter's Sermon: The Power of the Gospel, Part 1" (Acts 2:14-47)
"Peter's Sermon: The Power of the Gospel, Part 2" (Acts 2:14-47)
"The Healing of a Lame Man" (Acts 3:1-10)
"Peter Preaches After Healing the Lame Man (Part 1)" (Acts 3:11-26)
"Peter Preaches After Healing the Lame Man (Part 2)" (Acts 3:11-26)
"How the Apostles Faced Opposition" (Part 1) (Acts 4:1-13)
"How the Apostles Faced Opposition" (Part 2) (Acts 4:1-13)
"Bold Under Fire and Fervent in Prayer" (Acts 4:31-31)
"Godly Unity and Giving" (Acts 4:32-37)
"Godly Giving vs. Deadly Lies" (Acts 5:1-11)
"Signs and Wonders, Persecution, and A Prison Break" (Acts 5:12-21a)
"More Persecution and Gamaliel's Warning" (Acts 5:21b-42)
"The Appointment of Stephen" (Acts 6:1-7)
"Stephen's Arrest" (Acts 6:8–15)
"Stephen's Speech Before the Sanhedrin" (Acts 7:1–53)
"Stephen, the First Christian Martyr" (Acts 7:51–8:4)
"The Gospel Spreads to Samaria & Simon the Magician is Converted" (Acts 8:4–13) (Part 1)
"The Gospel Spreads to Samaria & Simon the Magician is Converted" (Acts 8:4–13) (Part 2)
"Simon Tries to Buy the Holy Spirit's Power" (Acts 8:14–25)
"The Ethiopian Eunuch is Converted and Baptized" (Acts 8:26–40)
"Saul: From Persecutor to Proclaimer" (Acts 9:1–19a)
"What Saul Shows Us About Being a Disciple" (Acts 9:19–31)
"Jesus Fulfills His Promise to Build His Church" (Acts 9:31–43)
"Peter and Cornelius, Part 1" (Acts 10:1–23)
"Peter and Cornelius, Part 2" (Acts 10:23b–42)
"Peter Reports Back to the Jerusalem Church" (Acts 11:1–18)
"The Antioch Church" (Acts 11:19–30)
"Another Martyr and Another Prison Break" (Acts 12:1–19)
"Herod's Demise" (Acts 12:20–25)
"Barnabas and Saul are Commissioned and Sent" (Acts 13:1–12)
"Paul and Barnabas in Pisidian Antioch, Part 1" (Acts 13:13–37)
"Paul and Barnabas in Pisidian Antioch, Part 2" (Acts 13:38–52)
"Paul and Barnabas in Iconium and Lystra" (Acs 14:1–20)
"Paul and Barnabas Go to Derbe and Return to Antioch" (Acts 14:20–28)
"The Circumcision Party Dispute - Again" (Acts 15:1–5)
"The Jerusalem Council Meets" (Acts 15:6–21)
"The Jerusalem Council Sends a Letter" (Acts 15:22–35)
"Paul Parts with Barnabas and Picks Timothy" (Acts 15:36–16:41)
"The Gospel Spreads and Lydia is Converted" (Acts 16:6–15)
"Another Prison Break" (Acts 16:16–40)
"Rejected in Thessalonica, Accepted in Berea (Acts 17:1–15)
"Paul Defends Himself in Athens" (Acts 17:16–34)
The Corinthian Church Established (Acts 18:1-17)
"In Christ Alone" is Our Salvation (Acts 19:1-7)
Paul Returns to Antioch and Meets Apollos (Acts 18:18-28)
"The Way" Makes Waves in Ephesus (Acts 19:8-20)
An Ephesian Mob Starts a Riot (Acts 19:21-41)